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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Apply for a scaffolding permit

You must have a permit before you place a scaffolding on a public road or pavement. A fee is payable for the permit.

Scaffolding on a public road or pavement - the law

You must:

  • hold public liability insurance of £5 million
  • comply with any reasonable requests of statutory undertakers relating to the protection of or access to their apparatus
  • be the person erecting the scaffolding to obtain the licence

Download our scaffolding terms and conditions (PDF, 259 KB) to see what rules apply to all applications for scaffolding permits.

Failure to obtain a licence may result in a criminal offence for obstruction.

Find out more information about scaffolding licences in The Highways Act 1980.

Permit fees

The cost of a permit for scaffolding is £38 per week or part thereof for first 20 metres of scaffold (or other structure) plus £38 per week for each additional 20 metres or part thereof.

The cost of a retrospective licence is a £284 - this is a one off charge on top of original cost of permit.

Scaffolding applications must still be submitted three days before being required on site and the terms and conditions of each licence must be accepted.

Invoices will be submitted as soon as possible after the end of each month, and these must be paid by Direct Debit on the 15th of the following month from date of invoice.

Processing your application

A site meeting may be required to determine any site specific requirements. Specific conditions may be attached to the permit which you need to comply with. These conditions will relate to location, dimensions, lighting and guarding.

You can not erect the scaffolding until you have successfully heard from us and received your licence. We aim to issue licences within three working days.

If we refuse an application or licence, please Contact Business Support Services for further advice.

Complaining about scaffolding

We would always advise that in the event of a complaint, the first contact is made with the scaffolding company by you - preferably in the form of a letter with proof of delivery. If that has not worked and you live in the UK, Citizens Advice Consumer Service will give you advice.

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