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Consultation on a policy for school and social care transport contracts

We consulted on a new policy for people who provide transport for us and act as a driver or passenger assistant, to ensure the safety of all passengers.

What's the latest?

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation - there were 98 responses. The majority of feedback was in favour of the adoption and publication of the policy.

In November, our Cabinet approved the adoption and publication of the policy, having considered a report on it and the consultation which took place. You can read the report which includes more details about the consultation responses at: Cabinet Agenda and Minutes - 15 November 2023, Agenda Item 7.


We have contracts with a range of transport providers and individuals to make sure transport is available for children and vulnerable adults.

Before you can work on a contract with us, you must meet certain criteria and be approved. You will then receive a badge to show you are cleared to work on our contracts. 

What we proposed

We proposed to introduce a policy which provides a clear process for anyone who wants to apply for, or renew, a badge so they can deliver these services in the future. This will be known as the External Contractor Staff Suitability Policy for school and social care transport.

The policy will cover:

  • what information we require about you, including:
    • any criminal history - you will need to have a Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) Enhanced Certificate
    • what information we will ask for from other areas of the council
  • how decisions to grant a badge are made
  • how to appeal against a decision
  • training requirements
  • the suspension process

External Contractor Staff Suitability Policy for school and social care transport (PDF, 343 KB)

Have your say

We wanted to hear from existing transport providers, drivers and passenger assistants, anyone interested in contracting with us in the future, and parents, carers, family members and service users.

The consultation closed at 5.00pm on 10 September 2023. 

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