New images show progress on city bus station
Durham's new bus station is taking shape.

The exterior of the new Durham Bus Station
The steel frame is now complete, the main roof installed, and glazing has been added internally and externally. External stone cladding work is currently underway.
Walls, floors, staircases and passenger lifts are also in place, creating a sense of how the finished facility will look inside.
Mechanical and electrical works are well advanced, with pipework and cables installed throughout the building and, on the wider site, work on the drainage system, new external lighting and access road are progressing.
Over the coming weeks, work will take place to complete the construction of a green roof and green wall.
The new facility, which is located on the site of the former bus station, is being developed by the council.
When complete, it will provide a modern transport hub that offers a safe and welcoming space for residents and visitors alike. Providing high quality facilities, it will serve as a major transport hub for both the city and the county.
First impressions count
Mark Jackson, head of transport and contract services, said: "It's incredibly exciting to see the bus station taking shape and to know that, in just a few months' time, this fantastic new facility will be open to the public.
"First impressions are important, so it's vital that we provide those arriving in the city by bus with a fitting welcome - and the new bus station will do just that.
"We hope it will help attract both shoppers and tourists to the city, supporting our independent businesses and our cultural attractions.
"We also hope it will encourage people to make more journeys by bus rather than car, promoting more sustainable travel."
The project has experienced some delays due to unforeseen and unavoidable issues, but the bus station is now scheduled to open in November.
Work to reinstate the road and footpath outside the building will take place over the winter.