Behaviour that challenges course
This course is elearning and available through the Care Academy. It aims to develop the knowledge and understanding required, as a health and social care worker, in relation to working with individuals who have behaviours that challenge. The training provided will also evidence criteria for Standard 3 & 5 of the Care Certificate and level 2-3 health and social care diplomas.
Who the course is for
This course is for all health and social care staff working with individuals who may present with behaviours that challenge.
Learning method
The course is an elearning course consisting of four modules and will take approximately 90 minutes to complete.
What you will learn
The course will help you understand:
- the term 'behaviour that challenges' and the reasons individuals may display them
- the context in which behaviours that challenge occur
- 'Positive Behaviour Support' and basic principles
- define the context in which these behaviours occur
- proactive and reactive strategies
- reflecting and recording approaches to promoting positive behaviours
Course benefits
- By completing this course, you will gain knowledge of challenging behaviour which will develop and improve your skills in a health and social care setting.
- This course is delivered through elearning which can be completed at a convenient time for you.
How to book
- Email
- Telephone 03000 260 222