Falls awareness course
This course is elearning and available through the Care Academy. It aims to give you an insight into how to recognise hazards and help an individual reduce their risk of slipping, tripping and falling.
Who the course is for
This course is for all health and social care staff.
Learning method
The course is an elearning course consisting of five modules. You must complete all sections of the course in order to access the test at the end of the course, it will take you approximately 60 minutes to complete.
What you will learn
The course will help you understand:
- the rules and regulations relating to falls
- what is a fall and facts related to falls
- who is prone to falling and how a fall affects and individual
- what to do if an individual falls
- assessments of falling and risk management
- all about fall prevention programmes
- general interventions including environmental safety, furniture and equipment
- roles of professionals and others
Course benefits
- By completing this course, you will gain knowledge of recognising hazards relating to falls to help reduce falls and the negative impact these have on the person.
- This course will develop and improve your knowledge and skills in a health and social care setting.
- This course is delivered via elearning which can be completed at a time convenient to you.
How to book
- Email careacademy@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 03000 260 222