Consultation on the draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy
In 2023 you had the opportunity to help us draft our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029.
What's the latest - consultation outcome
Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation which has helped us to develop our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. The Strategy has now been adopted by our Cabinet at its July 2024 meeting. You can read the full report, which includes details of public and partner responses, in the Statement of Consultation at Cabinet agenda and minutes - Wednesday 10 July 2024, Agenda Item 5.
Cabinet also approved a 12 month delivery plan alongside the strategy which includes:
- Introducing specialist officers within our housing solutions team; including drug and alcohol support workers, social workers and trauma informed specialists;
- Utilising the new build programme to provide affordable homes;
- Increasing the supply of temporary accommodation we own and commission, reducing the reliance on B&B and hotels;
- Co-ordinating all existing support pathways and services;
- Developing a housing first model for rough sleepers.
Current and future levels of homelessness will be continually monitored, including main reasons why people present as homeless. A light touch review will be carried out annually to address any policy or funding changes as well as taking into consideration any significant differences in demand to the service, including emerging work related to devolution. The delivery plan will be updated accordingly following the annual review.
The new County Durham Housing Strategy was adopted at the same Cabinet meeting.
We were developing a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2024 to 2029. The strategy outlines how we will work with partners to tackle, and help prevent, homelessness and sleeping rough in County Durham and will replace the current strategy once it has been agreed.
Being at risk of, or losing your home, can be the result of many different factors. Unless these factors are addressed, the ability of a person or family to recover and improve their chance of a positive future is greatly reduced, placing them at risk of becoming trapped in a cycle of homelessness.
Homelessness can have a big effect on all aspects of life. It is not just a lack of accommodation, homelessness can affect physical and mental health and wellbeing, educational achievement, ability to gain and sustain employment and puts pressure on people and family relationships. It can devastate lives, and it is often a long journey for an individual to build their life up again.
Phase one feedback
Towards the end of 2022, we carried out a detailed review of homelessness and rough sleeping in County Durham to identify the challenges we face as a housing authority.
From December 2022 to the beginning of March 2023, we asked for your views on four priority work areas which the strategy would be developed around, and which were in line with Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities. We spoke to a wide variety of partners in the housing industry, support organisations, and the voluntary sector, as well as asking the views of residents and people who have experienced housing or homelessness issues.
Along with the information gathered from partners, we received 149 responses to our survey with positive feedback for all four priority areas as follows:
- Priority one - Prevent people from becoming homeless: 82% strongly agreed/agreed
- Priority two - Improve access to and supply of accommodation: 90% strongly agreed/agreed
- Priority three - Ensure the appropriate support is available for people who are homeless (work with partners to build resilience in people: 90% strongly agreed/agreed
- Priority four - End rough sleeping for good: 85% strongly agreed/agreed
Additionally for priority four, many people thought that to 'End rough sleeping for good' was an unrealistic goal so this priority has been changed to 'Reduce rough sleeping'.
What we're consulting on
Your feedback from Phase 1 was used to help shape a draft strategy which we asked for your views on late in 2023.
Have your say
The closing date for comments was 5.00pm on Monday 18 December 2023.
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