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Our online forms will be unavailable from midnight on Thursday 20 March until approximately 1.00pm on Saturday 22 March so that we can carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

A167 Newton Aycliffe upgrade

Work has begun to deliver improvements to the A167's Central Avenue and Ricknall Lane junctions, and at the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout. As part of this project, essential road resurfacing will be carried out, requiring overnight closures of the A167 between the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout and St. Cuthbert's Way junction.

In July 2024 we started work to improve the A167 Central Avenue and Ricknall Lane junctions. The work will provide additional road capacity in the area, and potentially allow the development of up to 1,400 new homes on the Low Copelaw site to the east of the town.

Work that will be completed

Work has already been completed on the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout and improving its layout.

Work started on the A167's Central Avenue and Ricknall Lane junctions in early July 2024. We expect to finish them by Spring 2025. As part of this project, essential road resurfacing will be carried out, requiring overnight closures of the A167 between the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout and St. Cuthbert's Way junction. To minimise disruption, this work will take place during night time hours.

The work at the A167's Central Avenue junction will provide a new link road providing access to the future housing site, as well as a traffic light-controlled entry, improved pedestrian crossings and road resurfacing. 

We are adding new traffic lights at the A167's Ricknall Lane junction, improved pedestrian crossings and resurfacing the road. This junction will be closed from mid-September 2024 while we do this work. We will maintain access to the Premier Inn and The Gretna Green.

Programme of work

Swipe to see full table
PhaseProposed traffic management TimeExpected startExpected end 
Rushyford roundaboutTemporary traffic lights during construction 24 hours Ongoing Complete
Rushyford roundaboutRoad resurfacing of roundabout approaches. Lane closure in operation. Night work (7.00pm to 6.00am)Complete Complete
Rushyford roundabout and St Cuthberts WayEssential overnight road closures for resurfacingNight work (8.00pm - 6.00am)10 February 202517 February 2025
Central Avenue closureCentral Avenue junction closed with A167 24 hours15 July 2024Spring 2025
Ricknall Lane junction closureRicknall Lane junction with A16724 hours4 November 20244 weeks initially. Additional closures will be required through 2025


  • Rushyford roundabout and St Cuthberts Way - access to and from Cedar Drive will be maintained via our works access routes from Rushyford roundabout. Please note that there will be no access from the St. Cuthbert's Way junction. For traffic leaving Cedar Drive vehicles must turn right towards Rushyford and follow the diversions as required. Traffic heading to Cedar Drive, access will only be possible through our work access route from Rushyford roundabout, traveling southbound on the A167.
  • Central Avenue - a diversion route for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists will be in place and signposted.
  • Ricknall Lane junction - all traffic will be redirected to and from the A167 via Lime Lane. Appropriate signs will be installed to guide drivers along the alternative route.

Although some disruption is inevitable, we are doing everything possible to minimise the impact to businesses and residents.


We have secured £7million from the Government's Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) to deliver the scheme, which is scheduled for completion next Summer.

Homes England

In partnership with

  • Homes England

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