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Changes to applications for overseas voters

Published February 02, 2024 5.50pm

The registration process for overseas electors has changed, voters are being told.

Previously British citizens living overseas who wished to register to vote were restricted by a 15-year limit when applying to register to vote in the UK, once they had moved abroad. This restriction has now been removed and any British citizen living abroad, who has previously lived in the UK or been registered to vote in the UK, can now apply to register to vote.

Their application must be made to the local authority where they were previously registered or if they were not registered to vote, where they were resident. The registration period before a renewal application is required has also been changed, with overseas electors now being required to renew their registration every three years on the anniversary of 1 November, instead of being required to renew their application yearly.

British Citizens living overseas who wish to apply to register to vote are able to complete an application online at register to vote.

Unless they intend to return to the UK to vote overseas electors must make provision for either a postal or proxy vote. It is important to consider the length of time it will take for a postal pack to be delivered to the overseas address, be completed and returned in time for the election.

Anyone who is registered to vote in the UK can make donations to political parties and campaigners. Extending voting rights to more British citizens living overseas will mean these new voters will also be allowed to donate to political parties and campaigners in the UK.

If you wish to discuss any of the changes relating to overseas voting, please contact our electoral services team for further assistance, by emailing


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