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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Long-Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) programme

The Government announced a £1.1 billion funding programme to help with the regeneration of 55 towns across the United Kingdom. In County Durham, Spennymoor has been chosen.

The Long-Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) funding was announced in October 2023, and runs for 10 years from April 2024.

To receive the funding, the town needs to develop a 10 year long Town Plan, setting out the town's vision and priorities for investment and regeneration, linked to the three themes of:

  • High streets, heritage and regeneration: Projects such as the re-use or conversion of empty high street buildings, the creation of parks and green spaces, preserving heritage sites, encouraging new uses for the high street and ensuring that local people can take advantage of new jobs this would create.
  • Transport and connectivity: Projects to improve roads and cycle routes to make the town centre more accessible, while also making it safer.
  • Safety and security: Projects to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, such as CCTV, youth activities, street lighting, additional policing and council wardens, awareness raising and community outreach.

LTPT programme expects that town improvements and priorities are 'owned' by local residents, as well as affected business and community organisations. It expects that local people are given the opportunity to identify their needs and hopes for the town, which will then identify which projects the funding will be allocated.

Spennymoor - Long Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) programme




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