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Major upgrade of A167 Newton Aycliffe set to start

Published April 19, 2024 5.21pm

Major works to upgrade junctions on one of Newton Aycliffe's busiest roads are set to get underway.

Series of improvements

We are delivering improvements at the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout as well as the A167's Central Avenue and Ricknall Lane junctions.

Work at Rushyford roundabout gets underway on Monday (22 April), with work set to start on the Central Avenue and Ricknall Lane junctions in May.

The scheme will provide additional road capacity in the area, unlocking the potential to develop up to 1,400 new homes on the Low Copelaw site to the east of the town.

Upgrades needed to keep traffic moving

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, our Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: "Low Copelaw is identified as a strategic housing site in the County Durham Plan and these upgrades to the nearby highways network will provide access to the site itself, while ensuring that highways capacity keeps pace with housing growth in the area.

"We've secured £7million from the Government's Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) for the scheme, and the timescales attached to the funding mean we have to deliver the three sets of improvements together in parallel rather than in separate phases.

"Though these upgrades will ensure we can keep traffic moving in the long-term, there will inevitably be some disruption in the short-term. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience, and thank people for their patience while we deliver this important project."

Road widening, crossing improvements and new link road

All approaches to the A167/A689 Rushyford roundabout will be widened to three lanes, and improvements will be made to the roundabout's layout. There will be new line markings too.

The work at the A167's Central Avenue junction will introduce a new link road providing access to the future housing site, as well as a traffic light-controlled entry and improved pedestrian crossings.

New traffic lights will be introduced at the A167's Ricknall Lane junction, along with improved pedestrian crossing facilities.

The scheme, which is scheduled for completion late this year, also includes plans to plant nearly 1,000 trees, as well as hundreds of shrubs, and lengths of hedge.

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