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Views sought on ways to tackle anti-social behaviour

Published May 10, 2024 9.13am

Views are being sought on anti-social behaviour in Durham City and how best to tackle it.

We have begun public consultation on the possibility of putting additional measures in place to control anti-social behaviour in the city.

The consultation focuses on begging, urinating or defecating in a public place, and using intoxicating substances/drugs in a public place.

It also seeks views on whether people would support the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to help address these issues.

Cllr John Shuttleworth, our Cabinet member for highways, rural communities and community safety, said: "Durham is a very welcoming, friendly and safe place. As with any city anywhere in the world, there will always be some anti-social behaviour and we appreciate this could affect residents, businesses and visitors.

"We have always sought to work with partner agencies to look at how we can tackle anti-social behaviour wherever it occurs and we have continued this in preparing this consultation.

"We want as many people as possible to have their say so we can build a picture of any anti-social behaviour they have experienced, if it's affected their quality of life and whether they support a PSPO being brought in or if there are other measures they would like to see."

Have your say online at our consultations web page.

Pick up a paper copy of the consultation survey from any of our Customer Access Points, libraries or Durham Town Hall.

If you'd like the survey in an alternative format email:

The consultation follows our Cabinet agreeing in March that we gather evidence and consult on the possibility of putting additional measures in place to tackle anti-social behaviour in the city.

This came after monitoring of anti-social behaviour and information being put forward on anti-social incidents, as well as joint work by our staff, Durham Constabulary and the City of Durham Parish Council to identify persistent or nuisance beggars who employ aggressive techniques in the city centre area.

PSPOs are put in place to make sure people can use and enjoy public spaces safely away from anti-social behaviour. They seek to tackle anti-social behaviour in areas where it has been evidenced that there is a persistent and ongoing problem that is having an adverse impact on residents, businesses, and visitors. Councils have the power to make a PSPO under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and one is already in place to restrict the consumption of alcohol in public spaces within a defined area of Durham City.

The consultation will run until 5pm on Sunday 23 June.

Feedback will be analysed and reported to our Cabinet in the autumn, when members will consider the issues further and the scope of any potential measures.

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