Advice and support services to help young people with Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) moving into post-16 education or work
If you are unsure of your next steps, we have several teams who can offer supportive learning, and employment advice and guidance.
DurhamWorks is a dedicated programme for young people aged 16-24 living in County Durham who are not in education, employment or training.
DurhamWorks provides everything you need to help you make that next step.
- One-to-one support with a dedicated member of the team.
- Helping you find out what you want to do.
- Getting you the skills and qualifications you need.
- Finding you the experience you need.
- Supporting with benefits, housing, care arrangements.
- Helping you into work, volunteering, further learning or training.
If you are aged 18 years or over, DurhamEnable can support you to find a job. They have a team of job coaches across County Durham to support you in work and beyond to ensure you are confident and settled in your workplace. They help to break down the barriers to paid work faced by people with disabilities, neurodiversities, and long term health conditions.
See Job support if you have a disability or mental health condition (DurhamEnable) for more information.
Employability Durham - support to plan your future
Employability Durham can help if you're 25 or over, live in County Durham and:
- are not in employment, and have not been looking for work in the last four weeks and/or are unable to start work within the next two weeks. This includes anyone:
- with a health condition and claiming a sickness benefit
- who's a carer or parent
- who's a student or a young retiree
- who's not claiming any benefits and may be supported by family or savings
- are in unstable employment, for example, from zero or low hours or at risk of redundancy, and wanting to improve your circumstances
They can provide information, advice and guidance to help you at every stage of your journey to living more comfortably. If you're not yet ready to work, they can help you so that when the time comes, you're ready, prepared and confident.
See Employability Durham - support to plan for your future for more information.