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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

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Our search engine will then search this website for any pages and news articles that contain the words you have entered into the search box. It will not search for attached PDFs, contacts or databases.

The more precise you are when you enter your word(s) into the search box, the more accurate your results.

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When your search results appear, they are listed in order of relevance.

At this stage you can adjust your search information. You can amend your search words and you can alter the search criteria from 'Find any word' (default) to 'Find all words' or 'Find exact phrase'.

  • Selecting the 'Find any word' option will return all items which have any of the keywords within the page text.
  • The 'Find all words' option will return only items which contain all of the words entered into the search box.
  • The 'Find exact phrase' option will return items which contain the exact text in the search box.

Other searches

Some parts of this site have specialised searching tools (and this information isn't included in the site search). You can search these individual areas one at a time, to find specific information. These are: 

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