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Our online forms will be unavailable from midnight on Thursday 20 March until approximately 8.00am on Friday 21 March so that we can carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Selling age restricted products

We work with the Police to enforce laws to protect young people by setting a minimum legal age for purchasing certain products and services, like alcohol, tobacco or vapes.

Both the seller and the business owner have a responsibility to exercise extreme care and do everything they can to avoid selling age restricted products to people under the specified age. Many businesses have responded to the need to prevent under age sales by adopting procedures and training effective in both preventing sales and safeguarding the business against legal action. Businesses which do not effectively manage and control under age sales may have enforcement action taken against them such as a fine (fixed penalty notice) or by being take to court.

If you suspect a business is selling age restricted products to young people, Contact Trading Standards or use Citizens Advice: contact the consumer helpline.

How to prevent underage sales - retailer support and guidance

Visit Business Companion: underage sales, where you will find a full list of products, their minimum legal age and precautions you can take to avoid breaking the law.

There is also in-depth guidance on:

  • aerosol spray paints
  • age restrictions on alcohol
  • age restrictions on fireworks sales
  • botox and cosmetic fillers
  • cigarette lighter refills
  • crossbows, air weapons and imitation firearms
  • knives, other bladed items and corrosive substances
  • online sales of age restricted products
  • selling petrol and diesel from forecourts
  • sunbeds
  • tobacco and vapes
  • video games and recordings for sale and hire


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