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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Meet our Building Control team

What is it like to work in Building Control at the council? Building Control Officer, Kay Welburn, shares her career journey.

What it's like to work in Building Control

Building Control Officers, Kay Welburn and Kieran Goddard talk about their roles and what they enjoy most.

What it's like to work in Building Control transcript (PDF, 156 KB)

Meet Kay

Building Control officer

Kay Wellburn, Building Control Officer

"What I love about my job, is that it is so different every day! You could be working at the coast in the morning, then in the afternoon you could be working all the way up in Weardale. I came into Building Control just after I had my daughter. It was the flexibility of being able to work full time and continue being a mam that appealed to me. As a Building Control Officer people presume it is very much a male-dominated profession, but it isn't! Many engineers and site managers that I work with, are actually women too. In our team, as a Building Control Officer, we have a lot of support around our work, and it is brilliant. I know I can pick up the phone and that support is there!

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