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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Durham was last inspected in June 2024. As part of the inspection process, inspectors received feedback and views from 1,500 children, young people, families and partners. You can read more about the feedback from the inspectors on our Strategies, plans, policies and inspections page.

General SEND and Inclusion courses

Find out more about our general SEND and Inclusion courses.

List of courses

Use the links below to view full details of each course:

Course details

SEND and the Graduated Approach in County Durham

Description: This course aims to cover the Graduated Approach with opportunities to discuss what this looks like in Durham and within your settings. This will be delivered by members of the Educational Psychology and SEND Advisory teams in collaboration.

Outcomes: Attendees will have opportunities to explore elements of the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycles in turn, with particular focus on needs-led assessment and general principles for reviewing and evaluating intervention within busy contexts. The training team hope to bring to life this approach 'in action', with clearly illustrated examples.This session aims to give an overview of what the graduated approach is, whilst also acknowledging current challenges to best practice in this area. This means the session is appropriate for early career teachers and more experienced teachers as well as support staff involved in implementing interventions.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 3 October 2024, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Booking details: This course is managed by Education Durham, please email to book.

Making sense of complex needs using simple frameworks

Description: This course will support all staff in schools working with young people with SEN. It will introduce two frameworks used for 'formulation' of a young person's strengths and difficulties. What different people understand by formulation will be explored in the session, but it can be broadly thought of as an overall understanding of a young person's situation.

Outcomes: The frameworks introduced are particularly useful for 'messy' situations where a number of factors contribute to a young person's needs, either across different areas of SEN or within the same area. When needs are complex in this way, there can be a sense of 'not knowing where to start', and the key function of the frameworks covered in this course is to set outcomes which prioritise areas to work on, in a way which seems positive and achievable. The frameworks also help communication of a shared understanding between adults involved and the young person themselves.

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 5 December 2024, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Booking details: This course is managed by Education Durham, please email to book.

Enhancing Quality First Teaching (QFT) through the psychology of learning

Description: This course is currently being developed in collaboration with students on Newcastle University's Doctorate in Applied Educational Psychology programme.  Whilst many of our courses are aimed at supporting school staff in their approach to children and young people (CYP) with additional needs, this one is focused on the every-day learning that benefits all children - that which takes place through Quality First Teaching (QFT). 

Outcomes: The course will explore the relationship between psychology and pedagogy in a way that is clear, relevant, and accessible.  Participants will be introduced to a range of psychologically-informed concepts, all of which can be directly and practically applied with the classroom to enhance the teaching and learning experience of all. 

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 6 February 2025, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Where: Microsoft Teams

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Booking details: This course is managed by Education Durham, please email to book.

Developing engaged, motivated, and confident learners

Description: This course provides practitioners with an introduction to some psychologically informed ideas that can help to developing engaged, motivated, and confident learners.  Engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus and moves them to more critical thinking. Motivated learners take responsibility and initiative, show curiosity and a willingness to try, put forth genuine effort, and take pride in their work. A learner who is confident is more willing to learn, challenge themselves, and has better resilience in the face of difficult transitions like changing schools.

Outcomes: By the end of this course, staff members will have improved knowledge of a range of psychological theories relating to engagement, motivation and confidence (e.g. self-efficacy and growth mind set), as well as some practical strategies to foster them in the classroom. 

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 1 May 2025, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Where: Microsoft Teams

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Booking details: This course is managed by Education Durham, please email to book.

Supporting staff development through solution circles

Description: This course explores ways of effectively supporting staff development within schools and colleges.  It provides a research-informed overview of some of the key approaches to professional development, and considers their differing capacity for increasing professional autonomy.  Drawing on psychology and making links to staff wellbeing and resilience, it focuses mainly on methods that can effectively support practitioners' self-reflection and collaborative problem-solving, providing a brief introduction to the concept of professional supervision.  Finally, it introduces Solution Circles as one method that can be used to structure purposeful group dialogue, and ultimately, to support professional practice within school communities.

Outcomes:  By the end of this course, staff members will understand the benefits of adopting means of staff development that boost autonomy and support collaboration, and should feel confident in their ability to introduce and run Solution Circles in their school or college. 

Who the course is for: All staff working with children and young people in school including SENCOs, teachers and support staff.

Course date and time: 5 June 2025, 3.45pm - 5.15pm

Where: Microsoft Teams

Cost: Free

Cancellation terms: None

Booking details: This course is managed by Education Durham, please email to book.

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