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News-Enhanced CCTV cameras now operating in Durham City

Published October 10, 2024 8.49am

Durham City's CCTV network has undergone a major upgrade thanks to funding from the Home Office's Safer Streets Fund.

Durham City CCTV group shot

Cllr John Shuttleworth, Inspector Dave Clarke and Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen pictured in Durham County Council's CCTV contact centre.

The £141,840 grant has allowed us to replace 34 cameras in the city with more advanced models capable of capturing higher definition images and footage.

Police and Crime Commissioner Joy Allen allocated the funding from the £820,000 awarded to County Durham in the fifth round of the Safer Streets programme. The introduction of new CCTV supports Durham Constabulary and the council's shared commitment to improving safety in public spaces and cracking down on violence towards women and girls.

The new cameras, which are monitored 24 hours a day by council officers, will increase opportunities for the police to secure evidence against offenders. They will also help to prevent crime and protect more people from becoming victims.

Reducing crime and disorder

Cllr John Shuttleworth, our Cabinet member for rural communities, highways and community safety, said: "Our CCTV network has proven essential in reducing crime and disorder across the county, as well as being a vital tool for ensuring public safety at events such as Lumiere.

"These higher definition CCTV cameras will capture much clearer images, making it easier for CCTV operators to monitor, detect and prevent crime and anti-social behaviour. They will also play a key role in securing justice for victims, while serving as a deterrent to would-be criminals.

"We are delighted to have received this funding and will continue to work with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Durham Constabulary and other partners to ensure County Durham remains a safe and welcoming place."

Denying the opportunity 

Joy Allen said: "Residents and businesses have repeatedly stressed that CCTV makes them feel safer. 

"I've listened to their views and I've acted.  I agree. CCTV has a key role in both preventing crime and detecting offenders.

"That's why, since I was elected in 2021, I have agreed funding of well over £630,000 to expand the CCTV provision across the area.

"While this latest upgrade shows the significant progress that we are making, I won't stop pushing for more.  I am determined to oversee the strengthening and upgrading of CCTV provision across County Durham and Darlington in a bid to deny criminals the opportunity to make people a victim."

Reassuring residents and businesses

Inspector Dave Clarke, from Durham City neighbourhood team said: "I hope that the installation of the new cameras reassures residents and business owners that we are listening to their concerns and taking positive action to improve confidence within the city.

"The cameras, in addition to the newly introduced Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) will help further protect Durham, preventing crime and providing clear evidence to allow us to identify and convict those who are responsible for crime and disorder.

"We hope Durham's residents and visitors feel much safer knowing these new cameras are in place."

The Safer Streets Fund is a £75 million Government programme that encourages local authorities and Police and Crime Commissioners to bid for investment in initiatives to prevent neighbourhood crime.

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