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News-Toft Hill bypass consultation open

Published October 29, 2024 11.02am

Residents will be able to have their say on a proposed bypass around two County Durham villages.

We are consulting on the proposed creation of an A68 bypass for Toft Hill and High Etherley, which would be funded by our successful round one Levelling Up bid for Bishop Auckland.

We are asking residents for their views on whether there is a desire for the bypass, as well as five possible options for the route.

If there is public support for the scheme, the comments received will be used to develop a planning application for the preferred route.

Opportunity to have your say

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, our Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: "We are considering options which could divert traffic away from Toft Hill and High Etherley as the A68 is a key freight route which carries more than 7,500 vehicles per day through the area. This level of traffic creates several issues including congestion, noise, and air pollution in residential areas, as well as impacting on pedestrians and cyclists.

"This consultation is an opportunity for residents living in the area to have their say on whether they want a bypass, and their preferred option for it. We are looking for views from people based on their knowledge of the area, and all comments will be considered so that we can use the feedback to inform our next steps and which route option, if any, is taken forward."

Residents and landowners

Letters have been sent to over 1,000 houses in the area outlining the proposed routes with detailed information on how each option has been chosen. The relevant parish councils and landowners have also been made aware of the consultation.

How to take part

Residents can return the paper surveys or take part in the consultation online.

There will be four online consultation events which members of the public can register to attend.

Members of the public have until 5pm on Friday 29 November to give their comments.

Find out how to take part in the consultations, or read further details on how to give your views.

For more information contact

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