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County Durham Design Code Supplementary Planning Document and Settlement Character Studies

We are committed to ensuring well designed, sustainable development to conserve and enhance local distinctiveness and sense of place.

The County Durham Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to inspire design excellence through the creation of locally inspired buildings and places. The SPD provides guidance to support development which celebrates and reinforces the unique character, identity, heritage, and culture of County Durham.  The SPD is supported by Settlement Character Studies which provide further detail for understanding the history and essential character of settlements throughout the County.

County Durham Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The County Durham Design Code SPD provides local guidance to help developers create well-designed schemes that fit in well with their context and setting.  The SPD works in tandem with other national policy guidance ( Design - process and tools) and local policy guidance (Development Plan supporting documents) including other SPDs, settlement character studies, conservation area character appraisals (Listed buildings and conservation), Neighbourhood Plans (Shaping your neighbourhood - neighbourhood plans) and Development Briefs, to establish a positive framework for development proposals. The SPD includes general design guidance, consideration of context and distinctiveness, settlement character and model design codes which provides examples for different settlement types and extensions.

The Design Code SPD is intended for a range of purposes, including as a useful tool kit for developers to help them create better quality development. As a general rule small scale development, including householder proposals and residential schemes of less than 50 dwellings, should reflect the guidance set down in the SPD. This should be appropriate and proportionate to the development proposal and should be set down in the Design and Access Statement. Large scale development (including schemes for 50+ dwellings), including residential developments that are required to submit a Building for Life Statement, should demonstrate accordance with the SPD and consider the production of a specific Design Code based upon the model code in this SPD. Sites identified through the plan making process or within extremely sensitive locations may require the development of site-specific design briefs and associated design codes informed by a clear understanding of context, significance and setting.

Settlement Character Studies

County Durham consists of over 200 settlements.  These differ markedly in character and size; many having altered quite considerably over time, usually as a result of shifting roles depending upon their industrial base and strategic location. This is clearly seen for many of our larger settlements, a clear example being Durham City which has distinct historic core and various later phases of expansion at the edge.

A series of Settlement Character Studies are being prepared to support the Design Code SPD.  They provide detail on layout, character and materials, as well as analysis of their origin, evolution and growth.  These documents are useful for developers to assist with design coding and development proposals, and should be utilised alongside other relevant documentation including, for example, any conservation appraisals, neighbourhood plans and development briefs.  Please note the preparation of Settlement Character Studies is an ongoing programme and the following list will be added to periodically.  It is anticipated that a full suite of documents will be available by January 2026.


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