Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and Brownfield Register
Find out about our Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and Brownfield Land Register and how we develop this.
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
The SHLAA is a study to identify sites within County Durham which have the potential for housing development - its primary role is to:
- identify available sites
- assess the housing potential of each site
- assess when these sites are likely to be developed
The SHLAA is an essential part of the evidence base for the County Durham Plan by showing that sufficient suitable, available and achievable land is in place for housing over the plan period.
The 2019 version of the SHLAA is available on our Development Plan evidence base or online:
Brownfield Land Register
We have prepared a register of sites which are considered potentially suitable for housing, or housing-led, development and have been previously developed upon.
Sites which go on the register need to be:
- The right size - over 0.2 hectares.
- Suitable - capable of accommodating development (any problems can be mitigated).
- Achievable - they can be developed within the next 15 years.
- Available - the owners have expressed an intention to develop the site.
The register is linked to the SHLAA and is updated on an annual basis, at the same time as the SHLAA updates. Please Contact Strategy and Delivery (planning) for details and to submit sites for consideration on the register.
The register is available in comma separated variable (CSV) format, and shows a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | OrganisationURI | The uniform resource identifier "URI" of the local council |
B | OrganisationLabel | The name of the local council |
C | SiteReference | The local council's own reference for the land |
D | SiteNameAddress | The name and address of the land |
E | SiteplanURL | Link to a plan which identifies the land |
F | CoordinateReferenceSystem | Location co-ordinates to identify a point on the land expressed as an east/west component and a north/south component |
G | GeoX | The co-ordinate reference system used for paragraph |
H | GeoY | The co-ordinate reference system used for paragraph |
I | Hectares | The area of the land in hectares |
J | OwnershipStatus | The ownership status of the land where it is known (ie 'owned by the local council', mixed ownership', etc.) |
K | Deliverable | Where land is 'deliverable' there is a reasonable prospect that residential development will take place on the land within five years beginning with the entry date |
L | PlanningStatus | The planning status of land (ie it is 'permissioned', 'pending decisions', etc.) |
M | PermissionType | The type of permission granted or deemed to have been granted |
N | PermissionDate | The date that such permission was granted or deemed to have been granted |
O | PlanningHistory | Link to relevant planning history |
P | ProposedForPIP | Whether the site has been proposed for Permission in Principle |
Q | MinNetDwellings | The minimum net number of dwellings which, in the council's opinion, the land is capable of supporting |
R | DevelopmentDescription | A description of the development |
S | NonHousingDevelopment | Where the development includes non-housing development, the scale of any such development and the use to which it is to be put |
T | Part2 | Where development is granted Permission in Principle it will be entered on to Part 2 of the Brownfield Land Register |
U | NetDwellingsRangeFrom | The minimum net number of dwellings, given as a range, which, in the authority's opinion, the land is capable of supporting |
V | NetDwellingsRangeTo | The maximum net number of dwellings, given as a range, which, in the authority's opinion, the land is capable of supporting |
W | HazardousSubstances | Information required by the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 where:
X | SiteInformation | Further planning details for the site |
Y | Notes | Note such as whether there are heritage issues, etc. |
Z | FirstAddedDate | The date that the land was first entered in the register |
AA | LastUpdatedDate | Where applicable, the date that information about the land was last updated in the register |
The Brownfield Land Register (CSV, 11 KB) was last updated in December 2024. You can also view sites using our mapping tool below.