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See our Changes to County Durham bin collections at Christmas page to find out when your bin will be collected over the festive period.

Walking buses

The Road Safety Section help to set up walking buses, when requested, as part of a school's travel plan and work in partnership with the Travel Planning team, schools and parents.

The operation and organisation of a walking bus is taken on by volunteer parents, after the route has been risk assessed and the volunteers trained by the Road Safety section, who will also provide help and advice when necessary.  As a minimum requirement a walking bus has an adult 'driver' at the front and an adult 'conductor' at the back.  However, depending on the number of children participating more volunteers may be required to help. The children walk to school in a group along a set route picking up more children at designated 'bus-stops' along the way. 

The bus runs regardless of the weather conditions and everyone wears a high visibility waistcoat.  Along the way children can chat to their friends, learn valuable road safety skills and gain a sense of independence.  

If you would like a walking bus at your child's school, please contact the school in the first instance or visit: School travel plan case study - Walking Bus at Byers Green Primary School.  Remember, there are no bus fares on this bus.

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