Communication support
We are committed to ensuring that staff and people using council services receive fair and appropriate treatment. We will provide support in the most appropriate way to help people use our services.
A range of communication services are available to customers on request, including:
- translation and interpreting services if your first language is not English
- sign language interpreters and other support if you are deaf or have impaired hearing
- documents in alternative formats, for example Braille, large print, audio and disc
- other options tailored to meet specific individual needs
Our leaflets and other information include contact details for you to make a request for support and documents in alternative formats.
If you would like more information Contact Equality and Diversity.
If you would like more information on future opportunities or contract procedures, please Contact Corporate Procurement.
If you use British Sign Language (BSL) you can contact us online Contact us by British Sign Language.
- Email
- Telephone 03000 268 019