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Apply to add a road sign for a temporary event

Information about how to inform and direct traffic for a special event.

When a temporary event sign can be used

Temporary event signs should only be used for road safety and traffic management reasons, and should provide clear directions to the event and help reduce possible congestion.

They should not be used for advertising or promoting an event, or for events at locations that already have permanent road signs, either as a normal direction sign or a brown tourist sign.

Our goal is to make sure that temporary yellow and black signs on our roads do not cause 'sign clutter' or endanger users.

Apply for a sign

Contact Event Signage  with the following information:

  • your contact name, address and telephone number
  • a location plan (preferably 1:2500 but no smaller than 1:10,000 scale)
  • the sign designs (including the words for each sign and the size of the sign text)
  • the date of the event/
  • the dates that signs will be put up and removed
  • the name of company who will be adding and removing the signs

Please include 'Temporary Event Signs' in the subject line. Any sign proposals should be submitted for approval well in advance of the event.

Agreeing a sign

We will only allow signs to be added to a road, verge or footpath if they meet the standards in the current Traffic Signs Regulations. You should therefore use a recognised temporary traffic management company to create the signs. They will also have the necessary insurance and certification to allow them to add and remove the temporary signs.



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