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The closing date to apply for a primary school place for September 2025 is midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. See Primary school places for more information on how to apply for a place.

Get rid of pests in your home

If you've got a pest problem in your home, we can help. Call in our experts to help get rid of rats, mice, fleas, cockroaches and more.

You pay when you make the booking but if we don't need to take any action when we visit, we'll give you advice about any other action you can take and refund 50% of the fee - see Domestic Pest Control Terms and Conditions (PDF, 123 KB)

How much does it cost?

We provide subsidised treatments for residents paying for treatments in their own home and the prices we charge are shown in the table below along with the maximum number of visits that you will receive.  We also offer a reduction of 50% for residents who are registered on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme.

Our treatment are subsidised for residents paying for pest problems in the property where they live and the prices we charge are shown in the table below along with the maximum number of visits that you will receive.  Where no maximum number of visits is listed, we'll keep treating your property until we have cleared the current infestation provided you address any contributory factors that we identify

Table of prices for pest control
Pest typePrice £Discount with Council Tax Reduction SchemeMax number of Visits
Bed Bugs48Yes 
Bumble Bee Nest44Yes1
Fleas 48Yes 
Honey bee swarm/nest44Yes1
Other crawling insect48Yes2
Other flying insect48Yes2
Wasp nest44Yes2

Pests we treat

Pests we don't treat

  • foxes
  • rabbits
  • bats
  • woodworm
  • snakes and reptiles

Treatment of bees

All bee species play an important role in nature, therefore the chemicals previously used to destroy them are no longer authorised for such use. If you book an appointment with us for bees, we will assess and confirm the species of bee, provide advice on living with them and advise whether it would be possible for us or a specialist company to relocate them.  If we are not able to relocate them, you will receive a 50% refund of the fee you paid for the visit.  We would strongly advise against you trying to destroy them with any homemade remedy as even the smallest, most docile bumblebee colony can become very aggressive if their nest is attacked.


The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) provides information on how to identify a honeybee swarm. If you definitely have a swarm on your property, you can request help to relocate it from a local beekeeper through the map on the British Beekeepers Association website.  

If the BBKA is unable to help you, we may be able to remove the swarm. The standard treatment charge applies. Please note: the BBKA does not deal with bumblebees.

You may need to take some action yourself

Our ability to effectively treat some pests may require you to take some action. This may include:

  • moving or removing fixtures and fittings in your home or garden
  • clearing up any rubbish that is present
  • de-cluttering your living space
  • carrying out proofing works to prevent further pests accessing the property
  • getting pets treated by a vet.

We will advise you of any such requirements but you will need to do the work yourself or arrange for a tradesman to do it for you.

If you don't follow our advice, we will still attempt to tackle your problem; however, we reserve the right to stop treatment if we feel your failure to act will prevent the treatment from being successful or will significantly increase the cost of completing the treatment.

If you rent your home

We work closely with Believe Housing, Livin, or Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes Association when pest issues arise in their properties, therefore, before you book an appointment, please speak with them directly so they can be made aware of the issue and can offer support accordingly.

Although we don't have established partnerships with other housing associations and private landlords, you may wish to speak to them about your issues first as they may be willing to pay for your treatment.


Think Wildlife - campaign for responsible rodenticide use logo
Wildlife aware logo

In partnership with

  • Think Wildlife - campaign for responsible rodenticide use
  • Wildlife aware

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