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Sedgefield Conservation Area

The Sedgefield Conservation Area was designated in May 1971, and reviewed and amended in 1993 and 2016. An Article 4(2) direction was placed upon the residential properties in July 1993 removing rights to make external alterations to windows, doors, roofs and chimneys.

Sedgefield lies 8 miles south of Durham City within the Tees Lowlands and is a market town with a historic village settlement at its core. 

The conservation area is centred upon the Grade I listed Church of St. Edmunds, the village green and historic streets leading from it. The boundary also includes the Grade II registered historic gardens to Ceddesfeld Hall. The special character of Sedgefield is based around groups of listed and unlisted historic buildings dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, green open spaces and tree lined streets.

To ensure County Durham's conservation areas are properly managed, we produce Conservation Area Character Appraisal documents that will help raise awareness of their special character and interest. The Sedgefield Conservation Area Character Appraisal was formally approved by our Head of Planning and Assets on 3 May 2016 and recommends ways to improve and to manage change as well as providing an interesting history and snapshot of the area.


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