Durham Light Infantry (DLI) digital collections
Explore our digital collection including the medal and object collections, audio clips and materials from previous exhibitions.
Archive, photographs and records
The Durham Light Infantry archive collection was transferred to Durham County Record Office from the former DLI Museum in 1998. This allowed Record Office staff to catalogue the archives and make them more accessible, both in their search room and online. The archive collection contains detailed descriptions of the records, and images of over 34,000 photographs in the collection.
Durham Record Office holds the collection on loan from the Trustees of the former DLI Regiment. People donate additional archive material to the collection on a regular basis and they also accept Durham Light Infantry records on long-term loan.
Durham County Record Office: DLI archives
Objects collection
The Durham Light Infantry Collection includes uniforms, equipment, weapons, silver, photographs and battlefield relics covering the whole history of the Regiment from its formation in 1758 to the final laying-up of the Colours in 1968 in Durham Cathedral.
Some key objects from the collection can be seen online including rare uniforms of the Durham Militia and Rifle Volunteers.
Medal collection
Oral histories
Also available is the Listen to the Soldier oral history collection of 200 interviews with veterans who served with the DLI in the Second World War.
Listen to the Soldier interviews.
Courageous Restraint
Courageous Restraint is a collection of the experiences of 3 Rifles from their tour of duty to Afghanistan between September 2009 and April 2010.
Exhibition Panels
View previous exhibition materials for DLI Stories and The Somme.