Ten rounds rapid
One of the most important parts of the basic training was to teach the new recruits how to fire and look after a rifle; how to throw a grenade; how to take apart and put a machine gun back together again without thinking; and to learn about the threat of poison gas. Many of the DLI's recruits learnt these skills on the firing range at Whitburn on the Durham coast.
Parkin Lowson
Parkin Lowson's biography (PDF, 49 KB)
Parkin remembers firing a rifle for the first time at Whitburn range.
Parkin Lowson's transcript (PDF, 31 KB)
George Lodge
George Lodge's biography (PDF, 47 KB)
George remembers how he had to clean his rifle after every firing.
George Lodge's transcript (PDF, 32 KB)
Ronald Sherlaw
Ronald Sherlaw's biography (PDF, 49 KB)
Ronald remembers being taught how to fire a Bren gun.
Ronald Sherlaw's transcript (PDF, 30 KB)
George Self
George Self's biography (PDF, 50 KB)
George remembers the problems using a Sten gun.
George Self's transcript (PDF, 31 KB)
Albert Shippen
Albert Shippen's biography (PDF, 49 KB)
Albert remembers the problems using a Sten gun.
Albert Shippen's transcript (PDF, 33 KB)
Jackson Brown
Jackson Brown's biography (PDF, 51 KB)
Jackson remembers training to deal with poison gas.
Jackson Brown's transcript (PDF, 36 KB)