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You picked your best men

During the Second World War patrols were regularly sent forwards into No Mans' Land not only to gain information about the enemy but also to stop the enemy from patrolling. These patrols were usually led by a young officer. The work was dangerous and unwelcome but had to be done.

Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis
Peter Lewis's biography (PDF) [49KB]

Peter remembers selecting men for a patrol at Gazala in 1942.

Peter Lewis's transcript (PDF) [32KB]

Russell Collins

Russell Collins
Russell Collins's biography (PDF) [50KB]

Russell remembers preparing for a patrol in Italy in 1944.

Russell Collins's transcript (PDF) [30KB]

John Brooker

John Brooker
John Brooker's biography (PDF) [49KB]

John remembers taking out a patrol in Sicily in 1943.

John Brooker's transcript (PDF) [31KB]

Ian Neal

Ian Neal's biography (PDF) [47KB]

Ian remembers leading a patrol in Tunisia in 1943.

Ian Neal's transcript (PDF) [30KB]

Russell King

Russell King's biography (PDF) [49KB]

Russell remembers leading a fighting patrol in Tunisia in 1943.

Russell King's transcript (PDF) [40KB]

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