Durham Employment and Skills service - feedback from learners and employers
We have many years of experience of working with individuals to help improve their skills and job prospects. We also work with local businesses to support their workforce development needs. We deliver local employment initiatives in partnership with DWP and Job Centre Plus supporting the unemployed into longer term, sustainable work.
Find out how other learners have found the courses they have attended over the last six months.
First Aid
"Very good instructor, helpful, friendly and made the course enjoyable!"
"Trainer was great, made everyone feel welcome, subject knowledge was in depth and amazing 10/10!!"
"Very good training, clear knowledge and information given throughout the course."
Paediatric First Aid
"Best First Aid course I have done."
"Tutor was very knowledgeable and provided an interesting course over the 2 days."
"Very good first aid course, lots of information not covered in previous courses."
Food Safety
"Very good, friendly and professional."
"Very good pace of delivery and recap of knowledge when requested by learners. Clear delivery of knowledge and visual aids."
Level 1 Health & Safety in a Construction Environment
"This course has been very beneficial to me. I enjoyed the group discussions we've had and they have helped improve my communication skills. It has helped me to learn about keeping myself and others safe in the workplace as well as protocols and procedures on site for dealing with emergencies. I will use this knowledge in the future to further my career."
"This course has helped me to understand more about my future work and has prepared me for my future job."
"Tutor was a top man, taught what I needed."
Digital Inclusion
"I am happy to have my memory refreshed and can now access the Internet. This will help me to be independent, especially with Internet activities. My personal confidence has increased ten-fold - thank you!"
"Good course and teacher - I am pleased, I can now send an email and this will help with job search and replying to people."
Employability Skills
"The course was delivered in a professional manner."
"The course has been mint!"
"The course has been excellent."
"I have got so much out of this course, I really enjoyed it and learner so much. I would love to do more courses that you have to offer, it has helped me find confidence at the same time as giving me more skills and experience."
"Great tutor, and know lots more."
"Amazing teacher - good scenarios - good knowledge to grasp understanding on variety of subjects - helped me to come out of my comfort zone."
"Thank you for the support and encouragement, I have fully enjoyed the learning and realise my English has improved significantly. This has been an enjoyable course."
"Improved my confidence greatly - thoroughly enjoyed the learning. I feel as if I am speaking with increased fluency and understanding and have greater understanding of narrative. Excellent course and well delivered. I thank both tutors for their support - very enjoyable."
"This course has been essential in building confidence and understanding of English. I look forward to building on my spoken language, improving fluency next term. I have enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anyone wanting to improve their English."
"....incredibly helpful and I would recommend ESOL for all learners of English. It has been very well taught and delivered - enjoyable learning - thank you!"
Positive Woman
"The tutor's delivery was excellent and came across in such a gentle and calm way. I personally have learned so much. I would recommend this course to all women."
"Have learned to be more confident and more assertive. I would recommend this course to anyone who has confidence issues - it helped me a lot."
"The tutor made me feel at ease and was very informative. She gave every participant equal time and explained things I didn't understand."
"The teacher was very helpful and helped me immensely during the course. I've really enjoyed it and feel that I have gained some new skills to help me with my confidence and goal setting."

In partnership with
- Matrix
- City and Guilds
- Durham Employment and Skills
- Qualsafe
- Email DES@durham.gov.uk
- Telephone 03000 266 644