Durham Hedgerow Partnership
The Durham Hedgerow Partnership brings together people and organisations who promote the appreciation and conservation of hedgerows in the Durham Biodiversity Partnership area.
The partnership's aims include:
- raising awareness and promoting good practice
- providing grants for hedgerow planting and renovation
- generating income through sponsorship and partnerships
- contributing to the Durham Biodiversity Action Plan for Hedgerows
- influencing the development of legislation and policy
- undertaking and supporting hedgerow surveys.
Technical guidance documents
The partnership publishes guidelines on hedge laying, hedge planting and hedge trimming.
Durham Hedge Grant
The partnership provides financial assistance for renovating and planting hedges through the scheme.
The grant covers the local authority area of County Durham and is administered by us.
To be eligible for financial assistance, the following criteria must be met:
- have the permission of the landowner
- be in keeping with the local landscape character
- not be receiving grant aid from another source
- not involve works which are a requirement of planning permission
- not be within or form part of the curtilage of a residential property
- be maintained for ten years
- be visible from a road or public right of way
The Hedge Grant Leaflet 2022 (PDF, 629 KB) provides more information on aims, conditions and grant rates.
If you are interested in applying for grant funding, please Contact Durham Hedgerow Partnership and we will place you on our expressions of interest list. We will then come out and assess the suitability of the proposed hedgerow works and complete an application on site. Site visits take place between July and August each year.
We receive many more applications than we are able to fund, therefore grants are prioritised in terms of the hedgerow importance in relation to landscape and wildlife values, and those schemes that are going to have the most benefit to the wider environment.
Those that are of a higher priority will receive support from the Durham Hedgerow Partnership to carry out hedgerow works. Successful applicants will then be awarded a grant in time for the year's planting season (October to March).
For more information, please download the leaflet or Contact Durham Hedgerow Partnership.
Durham Hedgelaying Competition
The competition aims are to raise awareness and promote good practice in the skills and techniques of hedgerow management.
For additional information and to request an entry form, please Contact Durham Hedgerow Partnership.