Council Pension Fund
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a statutory scheme for local council staff, operated under regulations issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
The LGPS is administered on a local basis and Durham County Council is responsible for the Scheme within the geographical area of County Durham.
Policy documents
We are legally required to make these documents available for inspection, however, the Investment Strategy Statement is not fully accessible. We are working to resolve this. If, for any reason, you cannot access this document and need an alternative format, please Contact Durham County Council Pension Fund.
- Pension Fund - Training Policy 2024/25 (PDF, 217 KB)
- Pension Fund - Communications Policy (PDF, 209 KB)
- Pension Fund - Governance Compliance Statement (PDF, 239 KB)
- Pension Fund - Funding Strategy Statement (PDF, 381 KB)
- Pension Fund - Investment Strategy Statement (PDF, 471 KB)
- Pension Fund - Exit Policy (PDF, 213 KB)
Durham Pension Fund Bulk Data Import (BDI) templates
BDI template - new scheme entrants
BDI template to be completed by pension scheme employers to inform Durham Pension Fund of any new scheme entrants which need to be recorded on pension fund database.
BDI template - new scheme entrants (CSV, 1 KB)
The template shows a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field name | Explanation |
A | Employer Number | Specific pay location reference for the employer completing the template (optional) |
B | Title | Individuals title entered (Mr/Mrs etc) - mandatory |
C | Surname | Individuals given surname - mandatory |
D | Forenames | Individuals forenames - mandatory |
E | Gender | Individuals gender as identified (if known) - mandatory |
F | DoB | Individuals date of birth - mandatory |
G | DoB Verified | Has the date of birth been verified (y/n) - mandatory |
H | Marital status | Individual marital status (married/single etc) - mandatory |
I | NINO | National Insurance Number - mandatory |
J | Blank | Blank |
K | Employee Payroll Number | Pay reference specific to the individuals pay record with this employer - mandatory |
L | Position Occupancy Ref | Individuals current Job Title - mandatory |
M | School | Leave blank |
N | Address Line 1 | Line 1 of the individuals current address - mandatory |
O | Address Line 2 | Line 2 of the individuals current address - mandatory |
P | Address Line 3 | Line 3 of the members current address - mandatory |
Q | Address Line 4 | Line 4 of the individuals current address - optional |
R | Address Line 5 | Line 5 of the individuals current address - optional |
S | Postcode | Postcode relating to members current address - mandatory |
T | Scheme | Section of pension scheme the individual is a member (1 = Main Section, 2 = 50/50 section) - mandatory |
U | Full Scheme Name | Name of pension scheme. Always input LGPS - mandatory |
V | Blank | Blank |
W | Date of Admission | Date individual joined the Local Government Pension Scheme (dd/mm/yyyy) - mandatory |
X | Part time hours | Number of hours individual works per week (if full time enter zero) - mandatory |
Y | Term Time Proportion | If individual is school based please enter percentage of weeks worked per year based on term time contract - optional |
Z | Full time equivalent hours | Full time equivalent hours worked per week (i.e. 37 or 32.5) - mandatory |
AA | Casual | Is the individual a casual employee working as and when required (y/n) - mandatory |
AB | Pensionable Pay | Salary earned for hours worked - mandatory |
AC | Full time equivalent pay | Salary entered as if individual worked in a full time role - mandatory |
AD | Employee Cont Rate | Local Government Pension Scheme Contribution Rate. Percentage of pension deductions taken from salary in accordance with LGPS salary bandings - mandatory |
AE | Blank | Blank |
AF | Auto enrolment | Blank |
AG | Employee Type | Blank |
AH | Qualifying earnings | Blank |
AI | Declaration of opt out | Blank |
AJ | Employer declaration | Blank |
AK | Protected Member Flag | Blank |
AL | Opt out immediately flag | Blank |
AM | Opt out date | Blank |
AO | Has the member opted out | Has the individual opted out of the scheme after joining (Y/N) - mandatory |
AP | Email - personal | Individuals email address - optional |
AQ | Email - business | Individuals business email address - optional |
AR | Notes | Any notes you as the employer would like attaching to the individuals pension record - optional |
BDI template - scheme member change in details
Bulk data import template to be completed by pension scheme employers to inform Durham Pension Fund of any changes in circumstance which need recording on their individual pension record such as change in hours worked, break in service, change in marital status or surname.
BDI template - scheme member change in details (CSV, 470 B)
The template shows a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | Employerno | Specific pay location reference - mandatory |
B | Employeemembershipno | Individuals pension reference - mandatory |
C | Employeepayrollno | Individuals pay roll reference number - mandatory |
D | NINO | National Insurance Number - mandatory |
E | Title | Title (Mr/Mrs etc) - mandatory |
F | Forenames | Forename(s) of individual - mandatory |
G | Surname | Surname of individual - mandatory |
H | Gender | Individuals gender - optional |
I | DoB | Individuals date of birth - mandatory |
J | Marital Status | Individuals marital status - optional |
K | DateofMarriage | Individuals date of marriage - optional |
L | PhoneNumber | Individuals telephone number - optional |
M | EmailHome | Individuals personal email address - optional |
N | EmailWork | Individuals business email address - optional |
O | AddressLine1 | First line of address - optional |
P | AddressLine2 | Second line of address - optional |
Q | AddressLine3 | Third line of address - optional |
R | AddressLine4 | Fourth line of address - optional |
S | AddressLine5 | Fifth line of address - optional |
T | Postcode | Postcode - optional |
U | Job Title | Job title - optional |
V | School | Blank |
W | EffectiveDate | Date any change occurred - optional |
X | SchemeSection | Section of the pension fund to which the member contributes (1 = Main Section 2 = 50/50 section) - optional |
Y | ContRate | Members pension contribution rate - optional |
Z | ServiceBreakStarted | Date break in pension service started - optional |
AA | ServiceBreakEnded | Date break in pension service ended - optional |
AB | BreakReason | If break of service is reported please give reason - optional |
AC | HoursChangeStartDate | Change in hours worked start date - optional |
AD | HoursChangeEndDate | Change in hours worked end date - optional |
AE | NewContractedHours | Hours worked after date of change is effective - optional |
AF | PrevContractedHours | Hours worked prior to date of change - optional |
AG | Notes | Any additional notes to be added to the member record |
BDI template - scheme leaver details
Bulk data import template to be completed by pension scheme employers to inform Durham Pension Fund of any instances where a scheme member has left the fund (retired, opted out or left employment).
BDI template - scheme leaver details (CSV, 311 B)
The template shows a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | Employerno | Specific pay location reference - mandatory |
B | Employeemembershipno | Individual's pension reference - mandatory |
C | Employee payroll no | Individual's payroll reference number - mandatory |
D | NINO | National Insurance number - mandatory |
E | Title | Title (Mr/Mrs etc) - mandatory |
F | Forenames | Forename(s) of individual - mandatory |
G | Surname | Surname of individual - mandatory |
H | DateOfLeaving | Date individual ceased membership of the pension scheme - mandatory |
I | MainSectionPayYTD | Salary received from 01/04 to date of leaving in current financial year if in Main Section of the pension scheme - optional based on membership |
J | FinalSalaryPensionablePay | Salary received by individual in last 365 days of employment - mandatory |
K | 5050PayYtd | Salary received from 01/04/to date of leaving in current financial year if in 5050 section of the pension scheme - optional based on membership |
L | ReasonForLeaving | Reason individual ceased scheme membership (retired, voluntary resignation, opted out of pension scheme etc) - mandatory |
M | ReductionInPay | Has the member received a reduction in pay in last three years (y/n) - optional |
N | ReductionWaived | Does the employer agree to waive reductions on pension (y/n) - mandatory |
O | TypeofIllHealthRet | If retiring on grounds of ill health please indicate if the member has been awarded Tier 1/Tier 2/Tier 3 - optional based on reason for leaving |
P | SeriousIllHealth | Has the member been granted retirement on grounds of serious ill health - optional |
Q | Pre2008FTEPay | Salary linked to final salary proportion of pension benefits - mandatory |
R | AssumedPenPay | Assumed pensionable pay figure should member have had period of absence through sickness, child related absence etc - optional dependant in circumstances at leaving |
S | Notes | Additional notes to add to member pension record - optional |
T | PIOverrideDate | If a previous years pay has been used please give date to which it applies - optional |
V | School | Blank |
W | EffectiveDate | Date any change occurred - optional |
X | SchemeSection | Section of the pension fund to which the member contributes (1 = Main Section 2 = 50/50 section) - optional |
Y | ContRate | Members pension contribution rate - optional |
Z | ServiceBreakStarted | Date break in pension service started - optional |
AA | ServiceBreakEnded | Date break in pension service ended - optional |
AB | BreakReason | If break of service is reported please give reason - optional |
AC | HoursChangeStartDate | Change in hours worked start date - optional |
AD | HoursChangeEndDate | Change in hours worked end date - optional |
AE | NewContractedHours | Hours worked after date of change is effective - optional |
AF | PrevContractedHours | Hours worked prior to date of change - optional |
AG | Notes | Any additional notes to be added to the member record |
BDI Template - scheme annual returns
Bulk data import template enabling scheme employers to upload annual returns to the Pensions Database for processing.
BDI Template - annual return (Excel doc, 11 KB)
The template shows a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | Employer Number | Specific pay location reference - optional |
B | Folder Ref | Member unique reference - optional |
C | NINO | National Insurance Number - mandatory |
D | Surname | Surname of individual - mandatory |
E | Forenames | Forename(s) of individual - mandatory |
F | Forenames | Forename(s) of individual - mandatory |
G | Gender | Individuals gender - mandatory |
H | Date of Birth | Individuals date of birth - mandatory |
I | Payroll number | Pay reference - optional |
J | Date joined Scheme | Date individual joined the pension scheme. If before 01/04 of year the return relates us 01/04/yyyy - mandatory |
K | Contribution date | Year end date 31/03/yyyy unless individual left the pension scheme prior. If so, use the leave date - mandatory |
L | Section of scheme employee was member of at end of Scheme Year or at the date of cessation of active membership in the employment.
| Section of the scheme the individual contributed to (1 for Main Section, 2 for 50/50 section) - mandatory |
M | Employee contribution rate payable at end of Scheme Year
| Contribution rate - mandatory |
N | Pensionable Pay received in main section
| Main section pay relating to the year in question - mandatory |
O | Employee Contributions paid in main section
| Main section contributions relating to the year in question - mandatory |
P | Pensionable Pay received in 50/50 section
| 50/50 section pay relating to the year in question - mandatory |
Q | Employee Contributions paid in 50/50 section.
| 50/50 contributions relating to the year in question - mandatory |
R | FTE Final Pensionable Pay (as per 2008 regs)
| Full time equivalent pay received in last 365 days - mandatory |
S | Employee Additional Pension Contributions (APC's) - regular contribution
| Amount of regular APC contributions paid in the year (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
T | Employee Additional Pension Contributions (APC's) - lump sum
| Amount of APC paid in the form of a lump sum in the year (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
U | Employee AVC Contributions
| Member AVC contributions (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
V | Employee ARC contributions paid (Reg 14 2008 regs)
| Employee ARC contributions (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
W | Employee Additional contributions paid
| Additional contributions paid by the individual (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
X | Contributions made by employer in respect of employee's pensionable pay
| Employer contributions paid in the year - mandatory |
Y | Employer Additional Pension Contributions (APC's) - regular contribution
| Employer APC regular contributions (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
Z | Employer Additional Pension Contributions (APC's) - lump sum
| Employer APC lump sum contributions (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
AA | Employer AVC Contributions
| Employer AVC contributions (zero if not applicable) - mandatory |
AB | Job Title
| Job title of individual concerned - mandatory |