Pay your Fixed Penalty Notice (fine) for environmental crimes
We issue fixed penalty notices for environmental crimes such as dropping litter, flytipping, dog fouling and abandoning a vehicle.
If you do not pay these within 28 days, you may be prosecuted and (if convicted), could receive a much larger fine.
Offence | Pay online | Amount you pay | Maximum penalty on conviction |
Dropping litter | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £250 (or £125 if you complete the litter awareness elearning course) | £2,500 |
Litter awareness elearning course
The notice you receive may invite you to complete an online litter awareness elearning course. If you are eligible, you must pay for this online and within 10 days of the offence. To sign up for the course, you need to choose that option when you pay your Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online. You must complete the course within five days of payment. The course costs £125. If you decide that you do not wish to complete the training, you must pay your fixed penalty notice.
Rubbish and flytipping
Offence | Pay online | Amount you pay | Maximum penalty on conviction |
Failure to produce authority to transport waste | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £300 | £5,000 |
Failure to comply with a waste receptacles notice | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £110 | £1,000 |
Flytipping | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £1000 | 12 months imprisonment and/or £50,000 fine. |
Offence | Pay online | Amount you pay | Maximum penalty on conviction |
Failure to remove dog poo | Pay a fixed penalty notice payments through estore | £100 | £1,000 |
Allowing a dog to stray | Pay a fixed penalty notice payments through estore | £100 | £1,000 |
Failing to place a dog on a lead when asked by an authorised officer | Pay a fixed penalty notice payments through estore | £100 | £1,000 |
Allowing dogs into designated fenced off play areas where dogs are not permitted | Pay a fixed penalty notice payments through estore | £100 | £1,000 |
Offence | Pay online | Amount you pay | Maximum penalty on conviction |
Consumption of alcohol in breach of prohibition | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £100 | £1,000 |
Other environmental crimes
Offence | Pay online | Amount you pay | Maximum penalty on conviction |
Failure to comply with a Community Protection Notice | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £100 | Individual £2,500 Body £20,000 |
Failure to produce documents | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £300 | £5,000 |
Abandoned vehicles | Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice through Do it online | £200 | £2,500 |
Graffiti and fly posting | £250 | £1,000 |
Other ways to pay
By phone
Contact 24 hour payment line. Have your card, reference number (which is on the front of your fixed penalty notice), and a pen and paper to note your receipt number.
Through your bank
Make payments, through your bank, to Lloyds Bank Plc, account number 51009868, sort code 30-92-79. Make sure you quote the reference number which is on the front of the fixed penalty notice.
Post Office and PayPoint
There is a barcode on the front of the fixed penalty notice which means it can be taken to any Post Office or PayPoint outlet where it will be scanned and payment taken. Please keep your receipt for future reference.
By post - cheques only
You can send your cheque to:
Durham County Council
Revenues and Benefits
PO Box 253
County Durham
Cheques should be made payable to Durham County Council. Please write your fixed penalty notice reference number on the back of the cheque. Please do not send cash through the post or hand deliver payments.
Payment information can also be found on the reverse of the fixed penalty notice.
What happens if you do not pay the fixed penalty notice
If you do not pay the fixed penalty notice within 14 days from the date of issue, we will write to you to remind you that the payment is overdue (the reminder letter gives you a further 14 days to pay). If you still do not pay within 14 days after the date of the reminder letter, the case will be referred for prosecution at a magistrates court.
- Telephone 0300 456 2771
- Email
- Telephone 03000 26 0000