Protected sites
Habitats or features with a special value for biodiversity or geodiversity are protected under international, national and local legislation.
Protected species
A wide range of species are protected under international, European and national legislation because of their rarity or vulnerability.
Recycling centres disposal and permits information
Find out what you can recycle, size restrictions and how to apply for a permit.
Rate relief
Small businesses, charities and businesses in some rural areas can apply to pay lower rates.
Private fostering
Private fostering is the term used to describe an arrangement made privately (without our involvement) where a child under 16 (if disabled, under 18) is cared f...
Report a work related incident
We investigate work related complaints, incidents and injuries in premises where we have enforcement responsibility. Every year thousands of employees and membe...
Report changes affecting your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction
If you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, you should tell us straight away if anything changes that could affect the amount you're entitled to.
Report Council Tax fraud
Council Tax fraud costs all taxpayers . If you suspect someone of committing Council Tax fraud, you can report it in a number of ways.
Retailers we've supported
We've helped many retail businesses in the county. Below you'll find information and testimonials from just a few of them.
Residential caravan sites
The Mobile Homes Act 2013 is designed to give greater protection to occupiers of residential caravan sites.