Road weather station cameras
We have several weather station cameras next to roads in the county. You can use them to see what the weather and traffic is like on those roads.
Traffic and road weather cameras
Find details of traffic cameras on key routes in County Durham so you can view the current traffic and weather conditions. Information is updated once every min...
Courses and groups to support you with understanding your child or teenager's behaviour
Courses and groups to support you with understanding your child or teenager's behaviour.
Sniperley to County Hall footpath and active travel route improvements
Work to improve the footpaths and active travel routes between Sniperley and County Hall (A691 Southfield Way and B6532) started on 20 May 24.
Benefit cap
There is a limit on the total amount of benefits that a working age household can receive. The benefit cap applies if you receive Housing Benefit or Universal C...
Slavery and human trafficking statement (2023-2024)
As a council we are committed to ensuring people are safe within our communities, and to work in ways to prevent risk, this includes modern slavery. We are comm...
Morrison Busty project
Completed in 2023, this major European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funded project is a cornerstone of our depot and fleet decarbonisation efforts.
Support sessions for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
If your child has SEND and attends one of the following schools in Bishop Auckland or Stanley and you would like information and advice about what is available ...
The Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) project
The Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) has been running since 2016, and has been supporting County Durham based businesses in generating financial saving...
Personal Independence Payment: the PIP 2 form, assessment activities and descriptors
Find out how your entitlement to PIP is assessed and get tips on completing the PIP 2 form.