Coach parking in Durham City
Coach parking information in Durham City.
Cornwall Walk, Belmont Temporary Footpath Closure Order 2025
Find out about the Cornwall Walk, Belmont Temporary Footpath Closure Order 2025.
Emergency road closures
Information about roads in the county that are unexpectedly and temporarily closed (for example, due to an accident or weather).
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) for rough sleepers
The SWEP explains what we have in place to try to make sure that rough sleepers are not at risk on the streets of County Durham during extreme weather.
Consultation on Main Modifications to the County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document (stage four)
We are preparing a new planning document called the County Durham Minerals and Waste Policies and Allocations Development Plan Document (M&WDPD). It has been to...
Energy Efficiency, Renewables and the Historic Environment Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) consultation
We want your views on our new document, which sets out guidance for property owners considering making energy efficiency or renewable energy improvements within...
Land and building west of Coulson Street, Spennymoor
Under Offer.
Land to the east of Church Road, Trimdon Village
Under offer.
7 Atherton Street and Hopper House
Under offer.
Cottage 2, Fowlers Yard
Closing date passed - under review.