Our Local Offer for care leavers
Our local offer tells you about all the support that we have in County Durham for you as a care leaver.
Parking outside schools
When you drop your children off at school, do not park around the school gates. Safer parking around schools improves the safety of your children and you.
Pay your business rates
There are a number of ways you can pay your business rates.
Park and Ride advertising
Our Park and Ride bus service offers a variety of advertising opportunities. This is a fantastic way to promote your products and services, and receive excellen...
Pay your Council Tax
There are a number of ways you can pay your Council Tax.
Petrol filling stations storage certificate
You must have a petrol filling station storage certificate to run a petrol station. This ensures you comply with health and safety when storing petrol.
Personal licence for alcohol
A personal licence authorises the holder to supply alcohol or allow the supply of alcohol in premises holding a premises licence.
Properties exempt from Council Tax
Some homes, either occupied or unoccupied, may be exempt from Council Tax.
Protect your business against crime
Advice and information on how to reduce the risk of crime to your business. Includes details of the Business Watch scheme.
Public health funerals
We have a duty to dispose of a deceased body under the provisions of the National Assistance and the Public Health (Control of Disease) Acts 1948, if the person...