Street trading consents and licences
If you want to trade in particular streets in County Durham, including in a street market, you may need a street trading licence or consent from us.
Corporate Enforcement Policy
Our corporate enforcement policy outlines how we administer and enforce a range of legislation across a variety of services which helps to protect our residents...
Apply to put hoardings or building material on a public road and pavement
You need a licence to put hoardings or building material on public roads and pavements.
Home to school travel assistance for secondary school children
This page gives you information about home to school travel assistance for children attending secondary school.
Public art
Public art is art that has been made for public spaces, either outdoors or in public buildings. Public art pieces can be in a variety of media and can include t...
Days with Dad
Being a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles you'll ever take on. It can also be a lot of fun! As part of our ongoing support programme for...
Hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy
This page includes details of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy for vehicles, drivers and operators, which was approved on 1 October 2023.
Road resurfacing programme
Information about which roads we plan to treat, why we surface treat our roads and why we use different treatments.
Durham Dads Together
Fortnightly workshops, for dads just like you!
Secondary school admissions - individual school and academy intake information
The list on this page contains useful information about our primary schools and academies in County Durham. They include places offered during last year's appli...