Stopping the Start: stopping people taking up smoking and tackling youth vaping - have your say
The Government is currently asking for views on a range of new measures that will help to create a smokefree generation and tackle youth vaping. Help us to deve...
Design Code Supplementary Planning Document consultation (stage two)
Following on from our initial consultation in the spring of this year, we want your views on the amended County Durham Design Code Supplementary Planning Docume...
Gambling addiction and risks of gambling related harm survey
If you've experienced issues related to gambling, or been impacted by issues relating to someone over the age of 18 years old who gambles, we wanted to hear fro...
County Durham Early Help Strategy 2024-26 consultation
We asked you to get involved in the final phase of our Early Help Strategy review to help shape our approach, commitments, and priorities for 2024-26.
Proposed changes to face to face customer services
Earlier in the year we invited you to have your say on proposals to change the way we offer face to face services to our residents.
Changes to Durham County News magazine
We asked you to tell us what you think about changes to the way we share the Durham County News magazine with you.
Your views on County Durham's markets
Help our local markets to thrive. We're carrying out a review of our markets and would like you to tell us about the markets you go to and what you'd like to se...
Have your say - promoting attendance at school
We want to take further positive steps to ensure children in County Durham get the very best out of their education by attending school all year round.
Rookhope Primary School building and playing fields
We are seeking your views on a proposal to change the use of the land of the former Rookhope Primary School and playing fields.
Proposals for new Local Network boundary areas
Have your say on proposals for new Local Network (Area Action Partnerships) boundary areas.