Leisure, sport and fitness news
Find out what's happening in our leisure centres, swimming pools, pitches, courts and games areas.
Parks, coast and countryside news
Find out what's happening in our parks, coast and countryside.
Culture news
What's happening at our museums, galleries and theatres.
News by topic
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Peterlee Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Peterlee library.
Ask to be put on a school's waiting list
Information about school waiting lists including checking your child's current position and how waiting list places are ranked.
Public access internet guidance
Our library service provides free public access to the internet in 39 libraries across County Durham, ensuring it fulfils its role as being a source of informat...
Internet access and computers in our libraries
Free computer and internet access is available across all our libraries.
Looking after your baby's health
The Healthy Child Programme offers every family a programme of screening tests, immunisations, developmental reviews, and information and guidance to support pa...
Archaeology team
The Durham County Council Archaeology Section (DCCAS) cover the areas of Durham County Council and Darlington Borough Council.