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    Searching on Ʊ׶100mg ˸ ı ˸ űȯ ߱ġ ȿ ? ǰ óƮ ǰþ˸ c100 ̱ þ˸ found 1494 results
    Page 75 of 150
    • Crematoria

      We run two crematoria - one at Mountsett in Dipton and one at South Road in Durham City.

    • Consultation on our plan to help people become more active in County Durham

      Following conversations with people to find out what would help them be more active, we are now consulting on a new strategy called the Moving Together in Count...

    • Personal Assistant Induction Training

      The role of a personal assistant is extremely varied, and no two jobs will ever be the same. This is because the individual employer can choose exactly how they...

    • Pay for parking

      How to pay for a parking space at one of our car parks or pay and display parking.

    • Consultation on a new oral health promotion strategy

      In Autumn 2022, we undertook work to develop a new oral health promotion strategy for County Durham which will shape plans to improve our resident's oral health...

    • Apprenticeship stories

      Apprenticeships provide an excellent pathway for anyone wanting to begin or progress their career. We value the enthusiasm and fresh ideas that our apprentices ...

    • Review of traffic sensitive streets

      This consultation gives you the chance to have your say on a review of the streets in County Durham that are designated as traffic sensitive.

    • School swimming pools

      National Curriculum Swimming and safe self rescue skills are a taught as a compulsory and statutory element of the Primary School PE National Curriculum. It is ...

    • Borrow a Bike scheme

      Free bike hire scheme to help people get to work, save money and keep healthy.

    • Minerals Local Plan

      As the Minerals Planning Authority for County Durham, we previously prepared a Minerals Local Plan. This plan was prepared to give clear guidance to the mineral...


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