Carer's staff network
We recognise that many employees juggle work while also caring for an older, disabled or ill relative or friend.
Child employment permit
Within one week of employing a young person of compulsory school age, an employer must forward a permit application to the child employment officer.
Change the address on your bus pass
If you move house, you need to let us know.
Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a monthly payment that you may be able to claim if you're on a low income or out of work.
Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee is aligned to the County Durham Vision ambitions of 'More and better jobs' and the housing and transp...
Environment and Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee
The Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee is aligned to County Durham Vision ambition of "Connected Communities' and the Counc...
Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutinises delivery of the County Durham Vision ambitions of Connected Communities and Peopl...
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board provides strategic direction for the work of all the overview and scrutiny committees.
Overview and Scrutiny co-optees - non-voting scrutiny members
Find out how to become a co-optee.
Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee
The Children and Young People's Scrutiny Committee is aligned to our 'Altogether Better for Children and Young People' priority theme.