Regional transport campaigns and initiatives
On behalf of the North East Joint Transport Committee (NEJTC) of which we are a member, we're leading innovative projects which are shaping the future of region...
Register a still birth
Information about registering a still birth.
A167 and Central Avenue, Newton Aycliffe Temporary Road Closure and 30mph Speed Restriction Order 2023
Find out about the A167 and Central Avenue, Newton Aycliffe Temporary Road Closure and 30mph Speed Restriction Order 2023
Births, Marriages & Deaths
We provide a range of services relating to births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships throughout County Durham.
Information about registering a birth, buying copies of certificates and naming ceremonies.
Give your notice of marriage or civil partnership
Before you can marry or form a civil partnership there are certain formalities that are required by law. You need to make an appointment for both partners to at...
Getting married
There are lots of things to think about when planning your wedding. To help, we have outlined everything you need to do on this page.
Holidays in term time
All pupils registered at school are expected to attend every day the school is open. Parents are advised to book leave during school holiday periods.
Arranging a civil partnership
There are lots of things to think about when planning your civil partnership. To help, we have outlined everything you need to do on this page.
Registrars' certificates terms and conditions
Terms and conditions for registrars' certificates