Report procurement fraud
Procurement fraud is any unlawful activity at any stage of the procurement cycle, from the decision to procure, to the conclusion of the contract. It includes t...
Road adoption agreements
We ensure that new housing development roads are built to the appropriate standard for adoption. We maintain the statutory record of adopted roads in County Dur...
Ropery Lane Cemetery
This page has information about Ropery Lane Cemetery in Chester-le-Street.
Sign up to our single use plastics pledge
Sign up to our pledge and commit to reducing, and ultimately removing, your single use plastic waste. You can pledge to do as much or as little as you can.
Smoke control areas
Many parts of County Durham are smoke control areas where it is an offence to emit smoke from a chimney, unless you're burning an authorised fuel or using an ex...
Special educational needs support
There are a variety of specialist services and teams who provide support and advice for children with special educational needs (SEN).
Social Care Direct
Social Care Direct can assist you to find information and advice to help you live as independently as you can. If your needs are urgent you should telephone Soc...
Street cleaning programme
Our street cleaning programme provides frequent cleaning of streets, council owned car parks, public conveniences, markets and other public areas to remove litt...
Primary school support
We work with schools, settings, academies and other educational institutions to ensure the highest quality opportunities and outcomes for all children and young...
Street works permit scheme
You may need a permit if you want to work on our roads or pavements.