Direct Payments - employing someone to help you as a Personal Assistant (PA)
If you choose to use your Direct Payments to employ a Personal Assistant you will be responsible for the recruitment and employment process.
Digital Durham
Digital Durham aims to help the people of County Durham get the most out of digital technologies.
Digital skills courses
We offer short, fun, and interactive learning sessions that will help you to improve your employability, communications skills and confidence.
Direct payments - money for services you can arrange yourself
If you are entitled to financial help to meet your care and support needs, you can choose to receive money from us to buy services that meet those needs. This i...
Dog breeding licences
If you breed three or more litters of puppies over 12 months, you must have a dog breeding licence. If you breed less than three litters of puppies, you may sti...
Durham Hedgerow Partnership
The Durham Hedgerow Partnership brings together people and organisations who promote the appreciation and conservation of hedgerows in the Durham Biodiversity P...
Durham Innovation District
Aykley Heads is a unique City Centre development site which is set to be the catalyst for the Durham Innovation District.
Durham County Council Pension Fund - Local Pension Board
Following a review of public service pension provision which started in 2011, the government set out principles for the ongoing administration and governance of...
Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)
If you are a tenant and need extra help to meet your housing costs, you may be able to claim DHP.
Domestic petroleum storage licence
You will need a licence from us if you store more than 275 litres of petrol in containers at a domestic premise. If you intend to store between 30 and 275 litre...