Lanchester Conservation Area
...Conservation Area was designated in 1972 and amended in 1994 and 2016. An Article 4(2) Direction was placed upon the residential properties...
Public sector apprenticeship target
...public sector employer in England with at least 250 staff to employ an average of 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts between...
Apollo Pavilion
...manned mission to the moon in 1969 - the year the structure was built - the Apollo Pavilion is an iconic example of 1960s public art.
Land quality inspections
...activity such as gas works, colliery and coke works and landfills. There are approximately 6,500 of these sites in County Durham.
What happens if you do not pay a parking fine
If you don't pay your parking fine (Penalty Charge Notice), we can go through a series of processes to get the money from you.
Support for children with health needs
We provide education for children and young people of statutory school age (5-16 years) who are temporarily unable to attend school...
Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessments and plans
An EHC plan can be issued to a child or young person between the ages of 0 and 25 years.
Wharton Park
Find information about Wharton Park which reopened at the end of May 2016 following a £3 million restoration programme.
Simple ways to help reduce air pollution
...Durham Here are the top ways you can help to reduce air pollution in Durham City: 1. Leave the car at home Where possible walk,...
Staindrop Conservation Area
Staindrop lies on the former turnpike road (now the A688) between Durham City and Barnard Castle, which is 7km to the south west.