What is neighbourhood planning?
Neighbourhood planning gives your community the opportunity to plan for your local area, to decide what the place you live in should look...
Development Plan supporting documents
Search our evidence library for Development Plan supporting documents. This includes Supplementary Planning documents which support...
Assessment of the County Durham Plan
The County Durham Plan aims to deliver sustainable development whilst protecting local habitats, meeting the needs of our rural areas,...
Our Local Offer for care leavers
Our local offer tells you about all the support that we have in County Durham for you as a care leaver.
How to develop a Framework Travel Plan (for planning applications)
For new developments, Durham County Council requires a Framework Travel Plan (sometimes called an interim travel plan) to be submitted...
News-Planning for strong and resilient communities
Plans to create 12 Local Networks across County Durham will be discussed next week.
Personal travel plans
A personalised travel plan provides information specific to an individual to assist them make sustainable journeys.
View our planning policies
Find information on the plans and policies which support the decision-making process for planning applications.
Rights of Way Improvement Plan
The Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROW) is a statutory document that enables highways authorities to create a more modern access and...
Corporate Asset Management Plan
Our land and property assets are fundamental to successful service delivery, building strong communities and supporting economic growth across the County.