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    Searching on social care found 665 results
    Page 26 of 67
    • Benefits for carers

      If you care for a disabled person, the main benefit you can claim is Carer's Allowance. However, there are several other benefits that...

    • Supported lodgings

      ...housing within people's homes for vulnerable young people aged 16+ and those leaving care. The length of stay can vary from short to...

    • Children and Young People's Services

      Children and Young People's Services bring together a number of functions to help support children, young people and families in County Durham.

    • Making contact with your birth family

      ...liaise with us on your behalf. How do you make an enquiry? - one of our adoption social workers will give you advice on tracing your...

    • Beamish Museum

      ...friendship with another walker, who was also wanting to join the men's group. Due to social distancing requirements earlier in 2021 we...

    • Full Circle - support for children who have suffered sexual abuse

      We are able to offer the NSPCC Letting the Future In (LTFI) programme which is designed to help children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse reco...

    • Specialist teams

      Our specialist teams exist to help and advise certain groups of people who need extra support. This page explains the different teams and how you can access the...

    • Flu vaccination

      The flu vaccination is available from the NHS every year to help protect adults and children at risk of flu and its complications.

    • Help if you are receiving direct payments

      Support and information is available to help you manage your direct payments.

    • Covid-19 vaccination

      In County Durham, the NHS are delivering Covid-19 vaccinations across the county.


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