School road safety schemes
We provide a variety of road safety training for schools including bikeability (cycling proficiency), child pedestrian and our junior road safety officer scheme...
Adult learning and job training
Find out about courses and training we can offer.
Promoting the conservation, enhancement and understanding of Durham's distinctive historic environment.
Digital customer: Improve how people can access our services
Through our delivery theme of 'digital customer' we are committed to enabling Durham's customers to access the information and services they need online.
Our digital vision and principles
To achieve our vision in a way that aligns with our values and principles, we are committed to getting the foundations right to enable future digital developmen...
Food safety
This section contains information and advice for businesses on food safety matters.
Digital council: Make sure our staff have the right digital skills and technology
Through our delivery theme of 'digital council' we are committed to equipping our staff with the digital skills and technology skills they need to deliver servi...
Why digital technology is important
Digital technology is an essential part of everyday life for all of us and we live in a rapidly changing world that is more interconnected than ever.
Reviewing our digital strategy - business context and strategic refresh
As part of our ongoing commitment to developing our strategies and ensuring that they are up to date, we have reviewed our previous strategy, the current busine...
About our digital strategy
Our five-year digital strategy is intended to adapt to the changing environment we work in and the developing needs of our communities.