Courses, workshops and vocational qualifications
Find out about our bespoke training and assessment packages for local employers, the self-employed and their workforces.
Ready to learn?
Boost your confidence with free local courses.
Business rates data
The information on this page include some of the most frequently requested business rates data. The information will be published quarterly in the form of CSV r...
Needles, syringes and drugs equipment
If you come across a discarded syringe or needle please report the location to us.
Do I need to apply for an environmental permit
You must have an environmental permit if you operate a regulated installation in England or Wales.
Stanley Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Stanley library.
Direct Payments - payments schedule
Our direct payments payment schedule for 2023/24.
Wingate Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Wingate library.
Bowburn Library
Find out about the opening times, activities and services available at Bowburn library.
Training opportunities for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses
We have developed a range of free training courses and events for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses in the county covering digital marketing, health an...