Business rates data
The information on this page include some of the most frequently requested business rates data. The information will be published quarterly in the form of CSV reports, together with the appropriate data definition statement.
Publication of this data forms part of our commitment to being open and transparent with residents. The current reports include information held at 2 January 2025.
The reports show a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Empty properties
The data is sorted by rateable value, in ascending order. The ratepayers name is only listed if a non-individual. The reports show a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | RateableVal | Rateable Value |
B | PlaceRef | Local Authority Place reference |
C | AnalysisCode | Code set by VOA to classify properties use |
D | PropDesc | Property description as identified by Valuation Office Agency |
E | FOIName | Ratepayer name provided where non-individual |
F | PropAddress1 | 1st line of rated address |
G | PropAddress2 | 2nd line of rated address |
H | PropAddress3 | 3rd line of rated address |
I | PropAddress4 | 4th line of rated address |
J | PropAddress5 | 5th line of rated address |
K | PropPostCode | Post code of rated address |
L | Address1 | 1st line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
M | Address2 | 2nd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
N | Address3 | 3rd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
O | Address4 | 4th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
P | Address5 | 5th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
Q | PostCode | Postcode of ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
R | ExemCd | Exemption Code |
S | ExemAmt | Exemption amount |
- Empty Property Rateable Value - less than £12,000 (CSV, 219 KB)
- Empty Property Rateable Value - £12,000 to £14,999 (CSV, 13 KB)
- Empty Property Rateable Value - over £15,000 (CSV, 54 KB)
Mandatory charitable relief
The data is sorted by rateable value in ascending order. The ratepayers name is only listed if a non-individual. The reports show a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | RateableVal | Rateable Value set by Valuation Office Agency |
B | PlaceRef | Local Authority place reference |
C | AnalysisCode | Code set by Valuation Office Agency to classify properties use |
D | PropertyDesc | Property description as defined by Valuation Office Agency |
E | FOIName | Ratepayer name provided where non-individual |
F | PropAddress1 | 1st line of rated address |
G | PropAddress2 | 2nd line of rated address |
H | PropAddress3 | 3rd line of rated address |
I | PropAddress4 | 4th line of rated address |
J | PropAddress5 | 5th line of rated address |
K | PropPostCode | Post code of rated address |
L | Address1 | 1st line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
M | Address2 | 2nd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
N | Address3 | 3rd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
O | Address4 | 4th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
P | Address5 | 5th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
Q | PostCode | Postcode of ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
R | MandRlfCd | Mandatory Relief Code |
S | MandRlf | Mandatory Relief amount |
Small business rates relief
The data is sorted by rateable value, in ascending order. The ratepayers name is only listed if a non-individual. The reports show a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | RateableVal | Rateable Value set by VOA |
B | PlaceRef | Local Authority Place Reference |
C | AnalysisCd | Code set by VOA to classify properties use |
D | PropDesc | Description of property in Rating List |
E | FOIName | Ratepayer name provided where non-individual |
F | PropAddress1 | 1st line of rated address |
G | PropAddress2 | 2nd line of rated address |
H | PropAddress3 | 3rd line of rated address |
I | PropAddress4 | 4th line of rated address |
J | PropAddress5 | 5th line of rated address |
K | PropPostCode | Post code of rated address |
L | Address1 | 1st line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
M | Address2 | 2nd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
N | Address3 | 3rd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
O | Address4 | 4th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
P | Address5 | 5th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
Q | PostCode | Postcode of ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an Individual) |
R | SBRRlf | Relief amount |
- Properties receiving small business rate relief (CSV, 1 MB)
- Properties with rateable value up to £15,000 not receiving small business rates relief (CSV, 1 MB)
- Properties with non-individual ratepayers and rateable value up to £15,000 not getting small business rate relief (CSV, 608 KB)
Occupied properties
Data provided is for occupied properties only, sorted by rateable value, in ascending order. The ratepayers name is only listed if a non-individual. The reports show a number of columns of data which are explained in the table below:
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | RateableVal | Rateable Value set by VOA |
B | PlaceRef | Local Authority place reference |
C | AnalysisCode | Code set by VOA to classify properties use |
D | PropDesc | Description of property in rating list |
E | FOIName | Ratepayer name provided where non-individual |
F | PropAddress1 | 1st line of rated address |
G | PropAddress2 | 2nd line of rated address |
H | PropAddress3 | 3rd line of rated address |
I | PropAddress4 | 4th line of rated address |
J | PropAddress5 | 5th line of rated address |
K | PropPostCode | post code of rated address |
L | Address1 | 1st line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
M | Address2 | 2nd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
N | Address3 | 3rd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
O | Address4 | 4th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
P | Address5 | 5th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
Q | PostCode | Postcode of ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
R | MandRlfCd | Mandatory Relief code |
S | DiscRlfCd | Discretionary Relief code |
T | AddRlfCd | Additional Relief code |
U | SBRFlag | Small Business Rates Relief awarded, YES/NO |
V | MandRlf | Mandatory Rate Relief amount |
W | DiscRlf | Discretionary Rate Relief amount |
X | AdditionalRlf | Additional Relief amount |
Y | SBRRlf | Small Business Rates Relief amount |
- Occupied properties with rateable value less than £15,000 (CSV, 285 KB)
- Occupied properties with rateable value over £15,000 (CSV, 730 KB)
Ratepayers - addresses, reliefs and exemptions
The data is sorted by rateable value in ascending order. This list includes property details, ratepayers name - only where Non-individual and the presence of any reliefs and exemptions.
Column | Field Name | Explanation |
A | RateableVal | Rateable Value set by VOA |
B | PlaceRef | Local Authority place reference |
C | AnalysisCode | Code set by VOA to classify properties use. |
D | PropDesc | Description of property in rating list |
E | FOIName | Ratepayer name provided where non-individual |
F | PropAddress1 | 1st line of rated address |
G | PropAddress2 | 2nd line of rated address |
H | PropAddress3 | 3rd line of rated address |
I | PropAddress4 | 4th line of rated address |
J | PropAddress5 | 5th line of rated address |
K | PropPostCode | Post code of rated address |
L | Address1 | 1st line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
M | Address2 | 2nd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
N | Address3 | 3rd line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
O | Address4 | 4th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
P | Address5 | 5th line ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
Q | PostCode | Postcode of ratepayers billing address (not provided if ratepayer is an individual) |
R | ChgType | Charge Type - O - Occupied. V- Void |
S | ExemCd | Exemption Code |
T | MandRlfCd | Mandatory Relief code |
U | DiscRlfCd | Discretionary Relief code |
V | AddRlfCd | Additional Relief code |
W | SBRFlg | Small Business Rates Relief awarded, YES/NO |
X | ExemAmt | Exemption amount |
Y | MandRlf | Mandatory Relief amount |
Z | DiscRlf | Discretionary Relief amount |
AA | AdditionalRlf | Additional Relief amount |
AB | SBRRlf | Small Business Rates Relief amount |
Comments and queries
- For more information on Business Rates, please visit Business Rates.
- To make a Freedom of Information request, please visit Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulation.
- If you have any queries or would like to comment on the information provided, please Contact Business rates.
- Email
- Telephone 03000 268 997